Try aphrodisiac foods

Food and sex are two basic human needs. It's no surprise that people like to combine these two for added pleasure.

An aphrodisiac is any product that stimulates and increases libido. Chocolate, oysters, avocado, red pepper, ginseng, honey, strawberries, and nuts are considered the best aphrodisiac foods. 

However, according to recent studies, only ginseng has been proven effective in combating sexual problems in men.

All other aphrodisiac foods for women and men contain either substances that improve mood (chocolate and chili peppers), vitamins (honey — vitamin B, avocado — vitamin E, strawberries — vitamin C) and minerals (oysters and nuts contain zinc) that are good for the body.

Do some exercises

Kegel exercises were designed for strengthening the pelvic muscles. Women have noticed that sensation during sexual intercourse became more intense after doing Kegel exercises.

These exercises can positively impact intimacy and sexual pleasure for both partners. 

Women’s strong muscles contribute to a more intense orgasm. Men’s sensations are enhanced by a tight compression of the penis in the vagina due to its acquired elasticity.

In order to fully explore the benefits of Kegel exercises, stop your urine stream as it is flowing by contracting the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is enough to contract and relax those muscles for a set of 10 reps 3 times a day. 

You can do the exercise at any time — at the workplace, while driving, or lying on the couch with a book.

Increase physical touch

Giving your partner a six-second kiss when saying hello or goodbye — having that physical connection outside of sex — can increase feelings of intimacy.

Ms Koens also recommends having a bath together, remembering to give hugs (not just when you greet one another) and giving massages without the expectation of it leading to sex (but cool if it does!).

"There are many ways to connect sexually and intimately," she says.

"Also, take the focus off performance and what is not possible. Rather, look at what is pleasurable and what is possible — it's bound to get you to places that are fun."

It's also really important to recognise if you are having sex out of duty, or for pleasure (which can be physical or emotional).

Get risky

Researchers assert that participation with a partner in high adrenaline activities (watching a thriller, riding a roller coaster, climbing, etc.) produces hormones that cause arousal. 

During stressful situations, adrenaline is released into the blood. Thereafter, the brain produces dopamine — a pleasure hormone that rewards the body for overcoming stress. 

After sexual activity, the affection given to your partner will certainly intensify.

If you are not a thrill-seeker, exercise with your partner. The effect will be similar.

test again.. 

Consider Aizen Power 

Aizen Power is a safe and all-natural dietary supplement that promotes strong and healthy erection without any side effects. This supplement contains no added ingredients. They are pure extracts from nature. This supplement supports good health and can help you have a strong, healthy erection in just days. Aizen Power is a simple, yet powerful formula that contains amazing vitamins and minerals as well as plant extracts. Aizen Power can change your life and make it easier to have normal erections.