If you have a penis, it's normal to wish it were bigger. But we have some good news for you: Research has shown that many people who worry about the size of their junk are actually totally normal or average in size. Unfortunately, there’s a common misconception that's reinforced by mainstream porn that a bigger penis means more pleasure for your partner—but this couldn't be more wrong. A study from 2017 concluded that a combination of deep kissing, genital stimulation, and oral sex are more likely to get a person with a vulva off—and none of those things require you to be well-endowed. There's also an outdated notion that a bigger penis is linked to how manly you are, which makes no sense, especially considering that not all men even have a penis to begin with.

The takeaway? If you have a penis, it's probably fine just the way it is. That said, if you are curious about increasing the size of your member, there are a few options. They're painful, expensive, and some of them are not even guaranteed to work; still, here are 10 of the currently available methods for making your penis bigger, ranked from bad to slightly less terrible. (Note: with the exception of non-invasive techniques such as shaving your pubes and losing weight, Men's Health does not endorse any penis-lengthening technique without first consulting a physician.)

Penile Suspensory Ligament Division, or Ligamentolysis

This procedure aims to make the flaccid penis appear longer by cutting the suspensory ligament, which attaches the penis to the pubic bone. The surgeon will also move skin from the abdomen to the penis, according to Medical News Today.

A study published in European Urology took 42 penile suspensory legament division patients and measured their increase in flaccid stretched penile length and overall satisfaction with the procedure. Patients saw up to a 3-cm (or 1.2-inch) increase in stretched penile length—and those who also received a silicone spacer between the penis and pubis bones saw even greater increases—but still, these results didn't exactly blow their minds.

"Division of the penile suspensory ligament or other augmentation techniques may increase penile length, but usually not to a degree that satisfies the patient," the study authors wrote. The overall patient satisfaction rate was 35%, and just 27% in patients who had penile dysmorphic disorder.

Penis Extenders

​There are a few devices men can wear daily underneath their clothes to gradually stretch the penis and add length and/or girth. Two of the earliest devices, the Andro-Penis and the Golden Erect, are still used today.

Some experts think these devices may be effective, and a very small study from 2015 showed the Andro-Penis added roughly half an inch in length. In another Men's Health story, Stoddard tried RestoreX, a penis extender designed for men with Peyronie's disease (which he does not have). After using it for just under a month, he found his penis to be approximately half-an-inch longer.

Still, Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, a urologist in Florida, doesn’t think the discomfort and possibility of scarring is worth the risk.

“The research on the benefits of penile extenders is scant,” he tells MensHealth.com. "Plus, you have to wear them for hours a day on a sensitive part of your body.”

Shaving Your Pubes

If you're not up for stretching or injecting your way to a bigger penis (we get it), you can at least make your penis look bigger—and an easy method is shaving your pubic hair. Think about it: If your member is shrouded in a tuft of pubes, it'll look smaller than if it's visible in its full glory. Here's everything you need to know about pubic hair, including tips for shaving it.

Primal Grow PRO

Grow it in natural way.. The manhood enhancement Primal Grow Pro supplement is formulated with 29 potency ingredients in all.

Each of these is tested, proven for its effectiveness and safely added to the capsules. You get some of the following ingredients in every capsule of Primal Grow Pro:

• L-Glutamine : This amino acid is the building block for protein. It is mainly circulated in the blood and should enter the penile chambers so your manhood is strengthened.

• Vinpocetine : This herb is derived from Congo. It promotes the supply of various nutrients to your penis and its chambers.

• Saint John’s Wort: It is an excellent remedy used to treat many patients suffering from premature ejaculation problems. The Primal Grow Pro supplement improves the quality of erections too.

• Huperzine- A : Huperzine-A works fine for erectile dysfunction treatment. It also works best when used with other nutrients.

• L-Carnitine : It promotes the functioning of the nerve endings of the penis. This boosts sensitivity and gives you more pleasurable experiences.

• Ginkgo Biloba : It increases the blood flow towards your penile chambers so your penis can be strong and stay hard for a longer duration.

• Bacopa Monnier i: It is traditionally used in treating premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and increasing the size of the penis. It doesn’t cause side-effects.

• Phosphatidylserine : It helps to expand the penile tissues and chambers effectively so your penis’ muscles are relaxed and retain more blood flow.

• N-acetyl L-carnitine Hydrochloride : It promotes the health of your penile chambers and tissues effectively.

• Other ingredients : Gelatin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide.